Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Copper cookware review - Visualizer 3D image

visualizer 3d conrad gpr 3d
visualizer 3d conrad gpr 3d

This is smaller than that in the pot there is a second in copper pots and pots also have a copper wire up to 15 pounds of soil filling this cavity was closed. Top kazılmadı. Redness material is introduced from above in the air is in blue hues, and in this space for burial is not different from that for the top are not put into the excavated material can see directly on the screen as redness.
More pictures are annotated as follows.

This new embedded devices to detect things we store 6 months ago in copper pots filled with about 12 pounds of copper wire screened Rover C2. One of the latter 130 cm 170 cm 220 cm also had one of those, but we could not get her image. We have only two pot again scanned and the image.

visualizer 3d conrad gpr 3d
visualizer 3d conrad gpr 3d

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rover C2 - Visualizer 3D you still are not sure!

Visualizer 3d - The secret is hidden in the picture below one of the two. Someone "Borehole tunnel" that I wrote last noktasıdır.Ekranda this job is yours image to see a clear, well done man in a tiny room in there, kept property.

visualizer 3d conrad gpr 3d
visualizer 3d software

Whitish image ediyorken the very embodiment of that room; side of the screen when you turn "a curved line touching the bottom right of the screen there is an intensive" that you have to capture the image signal intensity patlamasıdır.Ama do need to have knowledge of what is out there, you are not 100% sure but they do work owner of the place makes you crooked :)) The program can not display a busy signal because the signal space, for your room! blue and red color can not display nested. I'm trying to prove to you telling you all of this site and examples. For all of you as I can not be like me should primarily be an excellent knowledge of computers and software, and years of experience to be walking on the right track, you should be. But you do not need none of them read this entire site bro do not believe me tell you, they are right to try and see what I tell you, if you say this is not like you say you do not see the image you send it to me with the look. I do not have a problem as to find the money plus c2 rover currently do not have a dick. My goal is to help someone.